Friday, October 14, 2011

Books I Recommend

A Few Dean Koontz Books
Screenshot ©2011 PK Hawk

This book recommendation prompt from certainly opens many possibilities. Reading in general, I prefer mysteries, and books based on actual events over many fictional books. I enjoy considering all the possibilities involved in solving crimes, and such. 

In the past, I read many books written by Dean Koontz, such as Intensity, which was one book I actually did not put down until I finished it. This was not a book for speed reading, so I did not sleep until it was finished. If you perhaps saw the "made for TV version of "Intensity," it was not nearly as "intense" as the book. 

I also enjoy Kathy Reich's books, such as 406 Bones. This book is one I have not yet finished, as it got misplaced in my move. I guess it's in storage someplace. I have two large storage units to go through to find many things that I either need, or want to get back.   I unloaded many books, as I knew I no longer had room for them. 

One other book I read that really held my attention, which I believe is no longer in print was the RIverside Killer. This book was a true story written by one of the detectives involved in catching a serial killer of prostitutes in RIverside County, California back in the 1990s. There were a few even from our very local area.

This story was incomplete, as there were leads which local police and detectives failed to follow up on, which would have solved the case months before the finally did catch the culprit. My sister, who was a nurse at two nearby urgent care facilities had called to reports this same man when he had come in for treatment of several injuries, which were consistent with the crime. My sister has also been involved with investigations and law enforcement for approximately thirty years. When she called the local authorities, they blew it off, and so nothing was done until almost a year later. Unfortunately, this is not unusual in this area. Riverside County certainly is not the best place when it comes to catching criminals, more especially killers. 

Since all my remaining books are still in storage, I can't give you the name of the detective who wrote the Riverside Killer. It was a woman though. This book now only seems to be available used on When my original copy was not returned to me after loaning it out, I was finally able to get another copy on Amazon.

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