If I had a choice of one free trip into space, or free international travel here on earth for life, I would choose to travel internationally for the rest of my life, staying as long as I chose in any country to take in the sights, and sounds, as well as getting to know the people there. Man was made for the earth, and earth was made for man to live on, so it's out natural habitat. Our bodies are made of the minerals of the earth, as is our food, shelter and everything connected to our life.
Most people have not even traveled very far from the place they were born, so a chance to see other places on this beautiful planet would be wonderful. Man knows more about space than he does the things in the sea. Just think about what wonders lie beneath the ocean's surface that man has only recently discovered. Now, consider what more is down there, just waiting to be discovered. Why just yesterday, in Huntington Beach, CA, USA, there were thousands of Humboldt squid invading the shoreline, and a person only had to drop his line into the water to catch several squid. I have lived in Southern California for more than fifty-six years, and this is the first time there has been such an event. Humboldt squid are larger than the smaller ones usually seen, or served in restaurants. The Humboldt squid can get as large as six feet long including it's tentacles.

Plants and animals in abundant varieties also abound on earth. People of many colors and lifestyles are scattered throughout the earth, with interesting styles of clothing, jewelry, and types of food, that may seem strange to us, but which is perfectly natural in many places right here on earth. So why would a person take what would be considered a trip of a lifetime, when there is so much to experience right here on our home planet?
Think of all the animals you have seen in the zoo, that now you could possible see in their natural habitat. Just imagine your heart skipping a beat while watching elephants and hippos and maybe rhinos in their natural settings.

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