Saturday, July 2, 2011

July 4th Weekend With Triple Digits In SoCal

Early Morning Sunrise Along The Lake
See campers in the distance Friday morning, (7/1/2011)
©PK Hawk 2011
We had a few days of nice weather this past week, but the weather forecast for this weekend, and into the middle of the coming week calls for triple digits, again.  The surrounding area is more than likely hotter than it is here on the lake, and this afternoon, it go to 107 degrees until about 2:30 PM.  The humidity isn't very high though, and that helps quite a bit.  Right now, it's 106.2 degrees, with 15% humidity, and it should be overcast again tonight, until some time tomorrow morning, when the scorching sun will burn off the cloud cover.  Tomorrow, Sunday and Monday, the 4th is promising to be even hotter.  The weather reports say that it should begin cooling again this coming Wednesday though.

There are quite a few campers along the shore of the lake here this weekend.  This morning, that area was pretty much filled.  More will likely arrive today and tomorrow.  Many are hooked up to services, while others choose to erect their tents and park their trailers, 5th wheels, and motor homes on the shore, as near the water as possible.  Many people are bringing their boats of about every description that you can imagine, while others bring their personal watercraft, such as SeaDoos and canoes.

Dead carp washed up onshore
©2011 PK Hawk
Lots of fishing and skiing going on, too.  Sure hope everyone practices safety.  Some have been shooting off fireworks, even though it's illegal here in southern California.  I suppose some may pay fines if they are caught, but most don't seem to even care about that.  Monday evening, there is a fireworks show scheduled at a local baseball stadium, so that should be a busy place in town.  Years ago, the city had it set up way out in the lake, and pretty much the entire area could see a free show.

If you plan to watch fireworks,
stay safe and go to an organized fireworks show.
Remember, be a good camping neighbor, and don't leave fishing line all over the beach, and be sure you don't leave any fish hooks for someone or someone's pet to step on.  That could lead to a serious infection, doctor bills, and it's also very painful, both to step on, and to have removed.  Don't leave bait to rot on the beach, or throw it into the water, as it just decays, and helps pollute the water.  people will be swimming there, as well as using their SeaDoos, etc., as well.  If you appreciate a nice place to spend your camping days, think about others, too.
Men fishing from shore of lake
©2010 PK Hawk

Personally, I think more people have more success fishing from a boat than the shoreline, but I don't plan to go on a boat.  I sold my aluminum motorboat, and kept my inflatable one.  Then, I discovered it isn't suitable for anyone rowing with oars, as when it gets windy, and the water gets rough, it's just about impossible to row to shore again.  Then, you have to be rescued.  My inflatable will not take any kind of motor, since it's inflatable all around, and has no place to even attach a batter powered trolling motor, so, unless someone invites me out on their boat, I will just be content to fish from shore, or not fish at all.

One can buy lots of fish for what a fishing license costs.  But, I really do enjoy fishing, too.  I guess I will just wait and see how things work out.

I hope everyone has a safe weekend.  Use your head and don't do anything you will later regret.

Don't drink and drive, your car or your boat.  The life you save may be your own, or that of someone you love.  Just remember, anyone who is killed or injured in accidents, is someone's mother or father, son or daughter.

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